Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

The "Woke Cancel Culture" Racism, and Me

This is not going to be sugar coated for the sake of the "woke".

Growing up through the 60s and 70s, I have seen the struggles of what being a different color means. I witnessed what being of a different sexual orientation created. This was a time when real 'woke' people were working to rid our nation of the ugliness of racism. A time where people realized that being female didn't solely mean that you had to get married, have kids and meet the hubby at the door with his pipe, a drink, and his slippers (though I never witnessed that).

We, as a country, have come a long way since those days. It no longer means that if you are black, you cannot be in a position of great responsibility. Police chiefs, Senators, House members, generals, creators of extremely profitable businesses, managers, CEOS, and yes, even a President for two terms.

I can't imagine a better example of a 'woke' nation.

Growing up, I watched TV shows that assisted in the cultural change. Comedians used race for a routine. I grew up watching these comedians, realizing how crazy stupid racism is. Archie Bunker, The Jeffersons, Mod Squad, Red Foxx Show, M.A.S.H. At least two generations grew up with shows like these that taught us that people are the same. No matter what color or ethnicity of sexual orientation. What a difference these people and shows made. I worked in the Capitol Hill areas of Seattle during the late 70s and early 80s – that was a wakeup call for me. For those who do not know, that area was LGBT central. I enjoyed most people I met there; not my thing, but they were still good people, and I am better for knowing them. I lived in South Seattle for years. An area that was mostly black back then. I have not been there in thirty years, but I doubt if it has changed much. I felt the effects of reverse racism. I was a white person in a mostly black area. At the same time, I was accepted for who I was and had many friends.

For decades things in America improved. What has happened?

In my eyes, ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter. The victimization of good cops when they must use force. That is not to say there are bad cops that use their position to suppress.

I was surprised after Dr. Sacry and I put this sign up along the freeway. (Oops, sorry, old term – Interstate 90). I shared a picture on Facebook and received lots of good responses. Then along comes this one 'woke' person; this person denounced it as racist. This person says that this sign says, "white conformists only, all others flee for your lives." Now, I was taken aback when I read that. I looked at the sign. I looked at the sentence. I looked at the sign again and I do not see it. This person suggested I read this book "So You Want to Talk About Race"; told me that it is also available in audio.

I grew up around racism. I experienced racism; I do not see it in this instance. And that is the trouble with this 'woke cancel culture'.

When a book can make you think that this simple sign is racist, I have no use for it.

Considering the "cancel culture" of today, I blame the thought patterns of people like those who write books of this type. "Because I am white, I am racist" is bull-pucky.

Have I ever made a racist smart-ass remark? I am pretty sure that I have. Growing up, race was wide open to comedy. Was this a one-way venue? Nope, it was prevalent in all colors, all nationalities; and it helped to ease relations. Now with all this political correctness idiocy, race relations have returned to the pre-1960s era. We have cities, states, businesses run by ELECTED officials of different colors, race, gender, and sexual persuasions. Police chiefs, mayors, senators and a PRESIDENT for two terms.

'Woke Cancel Culture' is destroying any headway we have made to be a more civil society. Take for instance the latest victims: six Dr. Seuss books. The problem? One book shows Eskimos fishing or an Asian person is portrayed wearing a conical hat, holding chopsticks, and eating from a bowl. Well, how about the idea that "The Cat in the Hat" was based on anti-Black stereotypes and blackface minstrel shows? This does nothing to better life in the United States. This 'Cancel Culture' has thrown us back more than seventy years when It comes to making life better for all. This 'Cancel Culture' has helped fuel much violence around the world.

You want to make things better?" Think and treat EVERYONE as a human being. Not White. Not Black. Not Asian. Not anything – just human.


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