Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Ledger: Looking Back 25 Years

MARCH 7, 1996

A Subway sandwich shop is slated to open in the Whitehall Town Pump in about 6 weeks, Subway Development Agent for Montana and Wyoming Nick Lombardi said recently. The shop, which will share seating with the existing Town Pump restaurant, will have a full menu just like other Subway shops, Lombardi said. The shop is seeking a manager now and will be advertising in the Ledger for 8 to 10 other employees about two weeks before the shop opens, he said.

A few low-lying areas along the Jefferson River near Cardwell experienced some flooding late last week, Jefferson County Disaster and Emergency Services coordinator Dave Bishop said. Bishop said ice jams along the river caused some problems south of Whitehall and the river continues to stand the greatest potential in the area for future flooding in the coming weeks.

On Feb. 6, students from the Whitehall Middle School competed in the regional Mathcounts competition at the War Bonnet Inn in Butte. The team placed fourth out of six teams, being beat out by one point for third. The top three schools were Deer Lodge, Butte East and Dillon, in that order.

Trojan Student of the Week is Kerri Sims a senior at WHS. She was nominated by Marion Johns for her hard work in the Home Economics department. Ms. Sims’ parents are Ron and Susan Sims.

Trojan Athletes of the Week are Bobbie Fleege, Trenna Loomis and Jodi Bowman. They are senior volleyball players. The three were nominated by Coach Brent Mabbott for outstanding senior leadership at the District 4-B volleyball tournament held in Whitehall last weekend. Their parents are Jerry and Jo Lynn Fleege, Jim and Lova Loomis and Kent and Jane Bowman.


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