Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Go Ask Jo: March 3, 2021

Dear Jo,

Great paper again this week – I love reading it. My favorite person in the world is Patricia Ann DeBack, I call her “Mom”. She always tells me to make sure I wear clean underwear in case I get into an accident. My second favorite person is John Wayne, I call him “Duke”. He always said “A man’s got to have a set of codes, laws to live by. I won’t be wronged. I won’t be insulted. I won’t be laid a hand on. I won’t do these things to others and require the same of them.” My third favorite person is your editor, I think I will call her “Ed”. What words of wisdom would you impart, the code you live by?


Have Tidy Whities, Will Travel

Dear Tidy,

Wow, you gave me a lot to think about! First, you are very lucky to have great people to look up to, you are smart to recognize their value. Second, my mom told me the tidy whities saying all of my childhood! I am vigilant to this day to make sure first responders will be sure to comment on my superb cleanliness when/if they ever have to rescue me. As for words of wisdom I can personally impart? I was at a crossroads in my life, a major one, and someone who knows me better than I know myself said to me “you can’t ride two horses with one ass cowgirl”. It was like a lightening bolt! I immediately had a clear choice. Wasting no time, I jumped at the chance to pick a horse….my life is better for it… is my backside. Here’s to those with more wisdom than ourselves!

Signed Jo

Dear Jo,

I need help! Apparently I am TOO optimistic! How can a person be too optimistic? How can you be too happy? Why is it a bad thing to wake up on the right side of the bed, to see the silver lining in the clouds, to try to see the brighter side of things? People (friends, family and strangers alike!) comment on my attitude, which is apparently just too bright. Its not like I don’t get mad, sad, frustrated, contrary and the like, I just don’t see what being negative gets you. I often feel made fun of and not taken seriously, like I am missing something with my sunny attitude. Help!


Too sunny for my own good

Dear Sunny,

It took me a minute to get my eyes to come back around to the front of my head, they rolled back so far. Quit your whining and thank your lucky stars you have that attitude naturally. You can show people to take you more seriously by your actions. Are you happy genuinely, or a faker? Don’t fake it, be genuine. Are you covering up feelings and emotions you need to express, but act like nothing is wrong? Don’t do it! You do you and if that is naturally happy, why would you do anything else? When you do need to come back down here with the rest of civilization and let someone know how you feel, pull those shoulders back, chin up and deal with it. That way you can rain sunshine all over everyone again. As for those dark cloud, naysaying, negative Nancy’s, stay true to yourself!

Best always,



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