Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Rebuttal 1 to Geri Dorvall's Letter

Dear Editor,

This is in response to Geri Dorvall’s letter from the February 17, 2021 Ledger Issue.

In said letter is was stated that “no evidence of election fraud has been produced”. All anyone who wants and accepts the truth has to do is get on your computer and go to and search “Mike Lindel’s Full Election Theft Documentary”. All the evidence and proof of the 2020 election theft/fraud is contained in this documentary for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Americans need to stop listening to the “lame” stream media and do their own research. Like him or hate him, Donald Trump has it quite correct when he says the media is FAKE NEWS!

Next the letter states “Violence in any form is unacceptable”. Wow, what about Antifa and BLM destroying Seattle, Portland, and many other cities? Burning and looting businesses and causing millions in damage. Was this not violence? Did not our forefathers rise up in violence to give us the freedoms we have to this day?

Lastly, it has not been proven the alleged rioters killed a police officer and that “thousands” have been arrested.

Kelly Hencz

Whitehall, MT


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