Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Gianforte Signs Carry Bill Into Law

Governor Greg Gianforte signed House Bill 102 into law on Thursday, February 18. The new law protects Montanans’ Second Amendment rights and promotes public safety.

“Every law-abiding Montanan should be able to defend themselves and their loved ones. That’s why today, I’m signing H.B. 102 into law,” Governor Greg Gianforte said before signing the bill.

The new law allows law-abiding Montana gun owners to carry a concealed firearm for self-defense throughout the state without written authorization from the government. The new law also simplifies the patchwork of concealed carry laws into a single standard throughout our state.

Montana joins nearly 20 states with similar legislation. Before signing the bill, Governor Gianforte pointed to history, saying, “Our Second Amendment-protected right to keep and bear arms is part of Montana’s, and our nation’s, rich heritage. We have a responsibility to preserve it.”

Representative Seth Berglee (R-Joliet), the bill’s primary sponsor, and Senator Theresa Manzella (R-Hamilton) joined Governor Gianforte in celebrating the bill’s signing.

“House Bill 102 ensures that law-abiding Montanans’ right to self-defense is protected from state barriers. This legislation allows concealed carry without a permit in the same places that open carry is currently allowed, which is the safer modern way of carrying firearms. I thank Governor Gianforte for signing this Republican priority bill into law,” Rep. Seth Berglee, (R-Joliet) said.

“House Bill 102 protects Montanans’ Second Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution and it gives Montanans more freedom to protect themselves and their families,” Sen. Theresa Manzella, (R-Hamilton), said.

Organizations representing Montana gun owners welcomed Governor Gianforte’s signing of the bill.

Brian Gosch, Montana state director of National Rifle Association (NRA): “Montanans should not have to seek government approval and jump through bureaucratic hoops in order to exercise their right to self-defense. Gov. Gianforte recognized this and worked to codify these rights. The NRA thanks the governor and the bill’s prime sponsor, Rep. Seth Berglee, for sending a clear message: in Montana, self-defense rights are recognized and respected.”

Jason Ouimet, executive director of Institute for Legislative Action, an arm of the NRA: “With Governor Gianforte’s signature, Montana becomes the 18th state in our nation to recognize constitutional carry. The NRA would like to thank the governor and his administration for making this important self-defense legislation a priority, and for ensuring and expanding the rights of law-abiding Montana residents.”

Erich Pratt, senior vice president of Gun Owners of America: “Governor Gianforte is a true friend of Montana gun owners. The previous, anti-gun governor Steve Bullock kept vetoing legislation to expand permitless carry to the entire state. But with Gianforte, we now have a true Second Amendment champion sitting at the governor’s desk.”

Gary Marbut, president of the Montana Shooting Sports Association: “HB 102 is a commonsense measure, based on 30 years of actual experience in Montana, to expand the places where our independent people are allowed effective responsibility for the safety of themselves and their families. MSSA thanks Rep. Berglee for sponsoring HB 102, and the Legislature and Governor Gianforte both for trusting the people of Montana to possess firearms and for eliminating those dangerous ‘gun free zones’ where only criminals are armed because of government policy.”


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