Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Go Ask Jo: 2/17/2021

Dear Jo,

Why am I not taking care of my hygiene? I never brush my teeth or even shower. Changing my clothes is a chore and shaving is an impossible task, just too overwhelming and exhausting. I just wear the same clothes over again and keep using spray. I never leave the house and I eat easy and unhealthy foods. Help!

Signed, Alone and Stinky

Dear Stinky,

Hiding is the first word that comes to mind. It seems you are working hard to make sure no one wants to get too close. Try this: close your eyes and imagine you are standing in the shower… feels warm and comforting….the filth you have been living in washes away, leaving you clean and fresh. How would this action change your life? Would it allow you to meet people, accomplish more in your profession (which I am hoping is not trying to win the world record for level of stink), make you feel more confident in going out and living your life? Pull it together my stinky friend, life does not wait, get out there and enjoy it…..AFTER you clean up.

All the best,


Dear Jo,

I have a big problem. I am in love with antique furniture. My problem is my house is amazingly tiny. Every time I go out shopping, I can’t help but buy more. Old furniture is just too pretty to just let it rot and decay. I’ve thought about buying a new house just so I can fill it with my antique furniture. What do I do? I don’t have a problem, do I?


Older is better

Dear Older,

Yup, you have a problem. It can be a superhero complex (saving furniture and all), a hoarding problem, or most probably an issue with your ego. Let me ease your mind, you are not the only person in the world interested in antique furniture. Save some for the masses. Take your intense focus and put it towards making your tiny home into a place you love. Find some loving homes for your treasured antiques and use the money to take a trip to far away lands where most of the antiques you love come from.

Hope this helps,



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