Artists grades K-12 are invited to submit entries to a Montana State-Fish Art contest. State-Fish Art is a national contest sponsored by Wildlife Forever that recognizes winners by state. This Montana contest is sponsored by Flathead Wildlife, Glacier Country Fly Fishers, Flathead Valley Trout Unlimited, Montana Wildlife Federation, Montana Trout Unlimited and the Hockaday Museum of Art. Artists need to submit an entry form, 9"x12" horizontal fish artwork, and one page essay featuring Montana's State Fish, the cutthroat trout. See the State-Fish Art website for complete contest rules and an Educator's Corner.
Cutthroat, named for the orange colored slash under their jaw, were first described by Lewis and Clark in 1805 near Great Falls and became the State Fish in 1977. Cutthroat symbolize clean, cold water and healthy habitat but their distribution has been reduced by habitat loss and competition with non-native fish. A host of conservation programs are increasing their range and abundance.
Entries must be mailed to or dropped off at the Hockaday Museum of Art at 302 2nd Avenue East, Kalispell, MT 59901 by Friday, March 12. Entries will be judged and prizes of $75, $50 and $25 will be awarded to top entries for Grades K-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12. All entries will then be mailed to the National contest. Artists may enter a state fish other than the cutthroat trout, those won't be judged for this contest but will be forwarded to National. The State-Fish Art website displays past winners. For questions, call Jim Vashro at (406) 270-9914.
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