Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Go Ask Jo: 2/10/2021

Dear Jo,

So, have you ever looked up into the night sky at the stars and heavens and wondered if “we’re alone”? I’m here to tell you- WE ARE NOT! I’ve met someone and she or maybe he is just the person or thing for me. Do you think we can make it work?


VERY Long Distance


Dear Long Distance,

I am assuming you are referring to the aliens, little green people, purple people eaters? Most people have trouble with relationships that span a few hundred miles, let alone a few hundred light years. My advice would be to keep your expectations earthbound. If you do pursue an “otherworldly” relationship, keep in mind you may end up with some probing issues. Go into any relationship with your eyes wide open and your heart guarded.

Signed, Jo


Dear Jo,

I like - no LOVE - to paint. Houses, cars, boats, fences. And I am very quick about it. There in lies the problem. I don’t own any of the items I love to paint. Soooooo….I ride my bike with my supplies around after hours and when I find an opportunity…..WOW. I paint and paint and….run. Help me please!


Temporarily in town

Dear Temporary,

The way I see it, you have three choices. First, get the H-E-Double Toothpicks out of town before someone catches you passionately painting something of theirs. Second, control yourself for goodness sake! If we all went around doing what we love without concern for others, I would have all the baby animals in the valley living with me! Third, IF you are able to exercise some self control, you may have a money making enterprise on your hands, benefitting both you and others. Hope this helps.

Signed, Jo


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