Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Our Town 100 Years Ago: February 1921


We will start with some news, as it was written, from the February 2 & 8, 1895 Whitehall Zephyr.

The dance given by the band boys on the night of January 25th was not nearly so largely attended as on previous occasions. Much of the cause for this was the very inclement weather then prevailing, and also the fact that the revival being held at Fish Creek kept many away who had heretofore been regular attendants. Among those present were: Misses Ethel Hind, Lonie Woolverton, Nellie Deeney, Mesdames C. J. Eckstrom, Mrs. H. Winkler, and Mrs C. Parks City; Misses Townsend of Waterloo and Ida Heinman and Mrs. M. Heiman of Camp Golden; Messrs C. Parks, B. Woolverton, F. Woolverton, Fred Weeks, Charlie McCall, Fay McCall, C. J. Eckstrom, L. Eggleston, J. Woolverton, T. D. Hind, J. Morris, W. Langdon, Fish Creek; R. Norval, T. Ketchum of Waterloo, F. Tebay, W. Tebay, Jefferson Island; J. Deeney, Spire Rock; J. O. Jordan, J. Patrick, D. Morris, Fish Creek. A 12 o'clock supper was served at the Whitehall hotel, after which dancing was resumed and kept up until 3 o'clock.

A sawmill in Perry gulch will be an assured fact as soon as the snow disappears. School sessions at Jefferson island were suspended last week owing to inclement weather. A full train of coal was received here a few days since for the Golden Sunlight concentrator. Charlie Redfield is going into the poultry business soon. We wish him all the success in the world providing he does not cultivate the same breed his brother Harry propagates for newspaper men.

February 1921, part 1 rewritten from notes made by Roy Millegan from the Jefferson Valley News: If you are looking for a new vehicle, stop by the Yellowstone Garage. They have the following ready for you to drive away – Ford Touring car, $649.74; one ton truck, $674.78; sedan, $945.34; coupe, fully equipped, $894.28. The Yellowstone Garage is holding a two-day course for auto and tractor maintenance. Stop by to sign up.

School children can sign up now for the pet and hobby show scheduled for February 23rd through the 25th. Children attending the Whitehall grade school and those from the local rural schools are welcome. Prizes will be awarded. Our high school is growing. We now have 110 students, and the basketball team is rolling over local competition. They recently beat Anaconda 30 to 15. They will be playing the Montana State College freshmen his month. A Better Babies contest will be held during the game.

The county commissioners have approved the contract to grade the Billy Irwin Hill at Pipestone. The road is about one mile southwest of the springs. To the south in Madison county, Joseph Kountz, Jr. is the secretary for the Parrott Ditch Company.

Put a spot on your calendar for the Fireman's Annual Masquerade Ball to be held on February 22nd at the Yellowstone Hall. Prizes will be awarded in the following categories: Best Costume, man and lady; Best Sustained Effect, man and lady; George and Martha Washington; Jiggs and Maggie; Milkman and Milkmaid; Old Maid; Policeman; Cowboy and Cowgirl; Chinaman; Jew Peddler; Buck and Squaw; Flower Girl; Red Cross Nurse; Mutt and Jeff: and Uncle Sam. Musical entertainment will be provided by Whitehall's six-piece orchestra. Admission is $1.50. If you just want to observe, spectators can watch for $0.50. The Palm will be offering a supper special for $0.75.

Nate Chamberlain has been appointed as the temporary rural mail carrier for which he will be paid an annual salary of $1980.00. Harold Donohoe has breeding stock available. His 800-pound Poland China Boar is available for $5.00 to breed grade sows or to thoroughbred sows for $10.00.


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