With the Super Bowl this Sunday, the K-Bar cordially invites you to make a bet (or two, or three) on their SportsBet Montana machine. Located in the K-Bar's middle entrance to the bar area, the machine is ready to make your bets on college and professional games - really any sport there is a way to place a bet on!
Owner Ken Brown said that the machine was installed in mid-2020 and has garnered a good amount of interest. Montana was the first state in 2019 to legalize sports betting; winnings of $600 or more are managed through the state Lottery system, either by mail or in person. Betting age is 18 and over.
Brown said he has been in the sports arena for nearly three decades, but just can't bring himself to place a bet. Having trained racehorses for 27 years, Brown would always push his friends and family to bet on his horses, but never took a bet himself. He now maintains several betting machines around the area, including his own location.
"Bozeman has one of these betting machines and they are always doing well. Usually the machines pay for themselves and its fun to see the regulars come in a few times a week and place bets," Brown said, noting that the remainder of the gambling machines that are un-sports related are also doing well. Upon reopening from COVID-19 shutdown, Brown said they had their highest handle drop.
Sports gambling, once illegal in Montana, is definitely gaining popularity and Brown hopes his machine will get some more use with the upcoming Super Bowl.
The K-Bar will be hosting a Super Bowl watch party on their big screens, complete with refreshments, pizza and chips.
Come in, enjoy the watch party, and place your bet from the comfort of your own hometown!
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