The Whitehall Trojan Wrestling Team continues to improve with wins this week over Dillon, Butte JV, Columbus, Jefferson, Red lodge and Columbus, again. This advances the teams dual record this year to 14-0.
This week’s events started with a trip to Dillon. Whitehall upended their host 43-30. Wins for the Trojans included Isaac Skogen (for.), Dawson Powers over T. Holland (6-2), Trentin Walker (for.), Dallen Hoover over Tate Hanson (14-0), Miles Hoerauf over Tanner Mussard (pin 1:35), Kyle Denny (for.), Jamus DuBois (for.) and Leo Scafani over Mateo Martinez (pin 1:19). Other competing were Alley Antonsen, Dane Hoover, Gavin Watson, and Justin Kuehl.
The second dual of the night pitted Whitehall against Butte JV. The Trojans again came away with the victory, this time 54-24. Wins included Powers (pin 3:48), Watson (pin 5:08), Walker (pin 5:17), Dallen Hoover (pin 3:12), Hoerauf (pin :36), Denny (pin 4:50), Kuehl (for.), DuBois (pin 1:27), Scafani (pin 5:26). Winning exhibition matches were Wesley Biggers (8-1), Dane Hoover (pin 5:11), Dallon Lanes (pin 1:59), Kenzy Best’s exciting 17-13 win. Others to compete were Skogen, Antonsen, Karson Klapan and Reiff.
Friday the team went to Boulder to battle cross-county rival. First they had to deal with Columbus. They handed Columbus a loss 48-30. Wins included Skogen (pin 1:07), Antonsen (pin 3:20), Reiff (pin 5:17), Dallen Hoover (pin :52), Hoerauf (pin 3:10), Denny (for.), Dubois (pin :38), and Scafani (pin 1:58), Lanes (ex. pin :59). Others to compete were Powers, Watson, Walker, and Kuehl.
The event of the evening was the cross-county match up. Jefferson had also beaten Columbus by a similar margin, and tension was high. The Trojans were up for the challenge with a win, 43-27. Individual wins included, Dane Hoover (for.), Powers (pin 1:23), Walker (11-3), Dallen Hoover (pin 1:21), Denny (pin 5:34), Hoerauf (for.), DuBois (pin 1:58), Scafani (6-2). Denny (ex. pin 1:25). Others to wrestle were Skogen, Antonsen, Watson, Kuehl, and Best.
Saturday, the team traveled to Columbus to first battle Red Lodge. Again, the Trojans were victorious 42-33. Wins included Skogen (for.), Reiff (pin :46), Powers (pin 1:30), Walker (for.), Hoover (for.), Hoerauf (for.), DuBois (for.), Dane Hoover (ex. pin 3:57), and Lanes (ex. pin 3:10). Others to wrestle were Antonsen, Watson, Klapan, Kuehl, Scafani, and Best.
Next was a rematch against Columbus. Whitehall again came out on top, this time 54-24. Wins included Skogen (pin 3:25), Antonsen (pin 3:30), Powers (pin 3:35), Walker (pin 3:53), Dallen Hoover (pin 5:02), Hoerauf (pin 1:53), Denny (for.), DuBois (default), Scafani (pin 5:10), Lanes (ex. pin 1:10), Klapan (ex. pin 1:02), and Dubois (ex pin 1:36). Others to compete were Dane Hoover, Watson, Kuehl, Biggers.
This week the wrestling team heads back to Boulder to battle the highly ranked Cut Bank and then Three Forks. Saturday, the team will go to Townsend to see Huntley Project, Cascade and Townsend.
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