Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

WANTED/NEEDED: More Time in a Day

We all joke about what we need or want in life. Gosh, I’d love to win a million dollars! Dang, I wish I could see The Beatles play live just one time! Man, I wish I had paid attention more in school when I was young!

Me? I NEED more time in a day. I WANT more time in a day. That’s all. If anyone can figure out how to do that for me, I’ll pay you a VERY pretty penny.

Since taking over the newspaper January 1st, I have also been working my previous fulltime job. Before the paper I worked as a Project Manager for a very busy HVAC manufacturer rep company in Bozeman. This job kept me on my toes consistently, was always something I enjoyed, but when 5PM hit, it got left in the office and I headed home. Granted, I am very lucky I don’t have to travel back and forth to Bozeman any more and can continue to help them remotely. But my project managing has now crept into my home space...instead of being left in the office...and I am tired!

When Jack, Melissa and I were discussing my purchase of the Ledger, I was interested in purchasing both the Ledger and the Three Forks Voice.

I can honestly say now that I was crazy for thinking I could handle both papers. I am honestly not sure how Jack and Melissa did both for so many years, and did them well, without completely losing their minds (or falling asleep at any given second!) So I commend them for the copious amounts of hard work and effort it took them to produce a newspaper, for two communities, each and every week.

But I am loving every minute of it. This is where I feel I am supposed to be. It will be absolutely amazing when I fully train my replacement at my former job and can 100% commit every work hour to the Ledger and regain my personal time again. Right now, every work hour IS dedicated to the Ledger, but nearly every second in between has been devoted to keeping everything flowing smoothly at the old job. My family time is suffering, which is the exact opposite of what I want.

I’ve decided six to eight more hours in a day is exactly what I need. I could get everything done for the paper, everything done for the old job, and have plenty of time for my family. Oh, and I would also like those extra hours to be tire-free; who needs extra hoursin a day if you’re just going to be tired? Wouldn’t that be great?

Alas, I’m destined to be a bit overwhelmed for at least a few more weeks. My replacement was hired last week and she’s going to be great - she just needs to be trained. So, for the next few Thursdays and Fridays, just in the mornings, the Ledger will be closed to get her up and running.

I hope everyone understands that this is as much for myself and my family, as it is for the good of the paper!

In the meantime please excuse my under eye circles if you stop into the office - I never really learned how to play with makeup and do all those new fangled tricks to hide imperfections, so they are being displayed in their full glory!


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