Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

JANUARY: Thyroid Awareness Month

January is Thyroid Awareness Month, but unfortunately, up to 60% of people with thyroid disease are unaware that their thyroids are suffering. Not only does thyroid disease affect over 20 million people, thyroid medications are among the top 5 prescription meds in the U.S. Thyroid disease also happens to be eight times as common in women as it is in men!

Thyroid disease negatively impacts health in a myriad of ways including low energy, weight gain, hair loss, cold intolerance, digestive issues, anxiety, infertility and miscarriage, and increased risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. In other words, it can cause problems in virtually every area of health and well-being, especially for women.

As part of Thyroid Awareness Month, Bethel Wagner, Certified Health Coach, will be presenting a free class, “How To Revive Your Thyroid, Energy, & Metabolism Even When You Think You’ve Tried It ALL!” It will be offered as a live event at 7 p.m. on Thursday, January 28th at The Education Station. A replay will be offered online for those who can’t attend in person.

Topics covered will include:

• Why thyroid disease is a major women’s health issue.

• Signs you might have thyroid disease and how to get an accurate diagnosis.

• Top foods and nutrients for thyroid support including one very important “Goldilocks” nutrient that’s totally surprising.

• Simple steps you can take to support your thyroid, increase your energy, boost your mood, and release weight in a healthy way!

For further details or to RSVP, call Bethel at 406-479-3242.

As a special thank you to those who attend live class or request the replay, Bethel is offering a 10% discount on her 28-Day Thyroid, Energy, & Metabolism Jumpstart Program which will be starting in February.

Spaces for the 28-day program are limited. Registration will remain open until January 31st. Call Bethel Wagner at 406-479-3242 for further details and registration.

Bethel Wagner is a certified Health Coach living & practicing in the Whitehall area.


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