Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Genevieve Mary Busby Dorvall

Genevieve passed away on Christmas day, her favorite day of the year.

She was born August 4,1931 in a log cabin with a sod roof, up 6 mile creek near Livingston Montana.

She started school at Emigrant and moved to upper Mill Creek to finish grade school. She attended Park High School in Livingston and graduated in 1948 at the age of 16. She moved to Billings to attend college at Eastern, where she achieved her Teacher Certificate. She then taught school at the Gordon school east of Livingston.

She later met and married William "Bill" Dorvall on June 24, 1950. They moved to various ranches and ranched on their own. In 1964, they moved to Whitehall. They eventually built her dream log home, which, other than her family, was her proudest accomplishment. Family and music was

everything to "mom". She loved music and was raised with music around her every day. She passed on the love of music and playing to her family. She could play any kind of musical instrument she picked up or sat down at. Many family get togethers ended the day with everyone playing music

together. She loved to travel and spent her life traveling with family and following her kids' and grandchildren's sporting events. She also loved to dance, ride horses, ski and golf. Her favorite foods were watermelon, strawberries and peaches, which there was never too much of! She was always active and continued going to aerobics and walking late into her life.

She was preceded in death by her husband of 54 years, Bill, her parents, Gertrude & Sidney Busby. Her brothers, Earnest, Vernon, Harold and Alvah Busby. Her sisters, Annie Larkin, Norma Lovely and Wanda Melin. Nephews, Jerry Melin, Wayne Busby, David Busby and Merle Busby and a niece Kathy

Christopherson. She was also preceded by her granddaughter Tresa Dorvall and her grandson Aaron Dorvall.

She is survived by five sons and one daughter. Ron (Karen), Duane (Geri), Steve (Laurie), Connie McNamara ("Mac"/Jim), Dennis (Teresa) and Rick (Renea). She is also survived by two brothers, Willard and Buck Busby, 16 grandchildren and 23 great grandchildren.

"Mom", we love you and thank you for your amazing strength and instilling the love of family in us all.

"How dearly each of us loved her, and she loved us all"

A private family service took place in Whitehall Saturday, January 2nd, with interment at the Shorthill cemetery in Park County.


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