Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Chamber announces contest winners

The Whitehall Chamber of Commerce has announced the winners of their 2020 Christmas Lights Contest.

The winner of the residential contest was Jerry Ward at 404 2nd Street, and the winner of the business contest was Settings by All Things Montana at 11 N. Main. The residential contest was judged through a ballot by local residents and the business contest was judged by NorthWestern Energy.

"It's truly amazing to drive around our community and see so many took the time to spread some holiday cheer by decorating and we would like to thank everyone who participated. Young and old alike cast ballots to vote for their favorite display," said Chamber Vice President Alison Richardson.

Finishing in second place in the residential contest were Nick and Mary Hensleigh at 201 E. 1st St.

Rob and Cindy Strub at 63 Yellowstone Lane finished in third place.

Ace Hardware was second in the business contest and K Bar and Grill was third.

Richardson added residents can tune into the local tv channel to see a nice slideshow of more Christmas Lights and thanked TSS for their efforts.


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