Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

'Screams Come True' Starts October 23

Screams Come True Haunted House with Hay Maze opens this Friday and the event's haunters are fully prepared to keep you screaming all night long! The event, now in its second year, has added a hay maze to the menagerie of spooky rooms, nearly doubling the size of the event in its entirety.

Screams Come True runs Friday, October 23rd from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday October 24th from 6PM to 11 p.m .; then again the following weekend Friday, October 30th from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. and Halloween, October 31st from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.. This year's event is located in the Whitehall Community Center, located at 11 East Division Street in Whitehall. Cost of tickets is $10 per person, with the opportunity to re-enter the same night for half price.

The biggest change this year is the COVID-19 preparations and restrictions. As always, Screams Come True is limited to 6 people at a time, but this year guests are requested to plan ahead and purchase their tickets – with a designated time slot – ahead of the event, so as not to create lines and congestion.

"Onsite tickets will be sold, but they will have to fill in an empty time slot – and guests will be asked to wait in their vehicle or social distance outside of the venue, until their time slot opens," said Liz Pullman, creator of Screams Come True. "So, you may show up at 7:30 p.m., but there might not be an open time slot until 8:30 p.m.– so you would have to wait. So why not buy your tickets ahead and avoid the line and the cold?!" Those who want to go through a second time (there's lots to see!) will need to make an onsite reservation for an open time slot.

Other COVID-19 preparations in place are hand sanitizing stations at the ticket table, no public bathroom facilities, and all guests are requested to wear a mask. In turn, all haunters inside Screams Come True will be wearing masks as well as gloves with their costumes. As with any haunted house, guests are not allowed to touch haunters, and haunters are not allowed to grab guests. Touching through fabric, with mechanical grabbers, etc. by haunters is allowed. High traffic areas through the haunted house will be sanitized on a schedule as well, as well as several other precautions. The event plan was put forth to the Jefferson County Health Board and approved as written.

Event organizers feel the house has something for everyone.

"Scared of 'this' - we have it, don't like 'that' - we've got you covered. I think the house is really well thought out to include tiny details that many may not notice - but those who built it do. We've got scares planned in a variety of ways - not just jump scares. Each room is a different theme - but it's all things that most people really do have night terrors about - hence, 'Screams Come True'," Pullman said.

With the event inching closer, you'll see more and more sneak peaks from last year's event on the Screams Come True Facebook page.

"People love Halloween - young, old, it doesn't matter. And it is especially important this year to HAVE Halloween for everyone's enjoyment, in the safest of ways possible. And we have what they are looking for - scares, screams and more," she said.

Last year's event moved into the Town Hall/Ambulance barn space immediately following Labor Day – this year the event moved into the Community Center at the very end of September. However, organizers believe the event is bigger and better than ever, even with the shortened build time!

"The addition of the hay maze, thanks to Split Diamond Ranch, is going to be really amazing! Get ready for some serious scares in there – its not just a walk in the park!" Pullman said.

Once again the event has had the support and backing from Jefferson County's Event Coordinator Bruce Binkowski, as well as many local volunteers. This year the event teamed with the Whitehall VFD & American Legion groups for use of the building, as well as a standing contract to work together in the coming years and have the event held at the Community Center annually. As with last year, volunteers have come out of the woodwork to help build and to help care.

"The greatest of thanks so far to all of the volunteers, but specifically right now those who put up with my craziness and helped build – Dana, Samara and Shayna Brunet, Ron Jung, Bill Sweet, Kirk Schipman, Ann Palmer, Joan Woodward and so many others!" The event's 2020 sponsors, thus far, are Jefferson County, the VFW/American Legion, Peppertree Deli, Split Diamon Ranch, Jefferson Valley Property Management, Whitehall Drug, Two Bit Saloon, Ruth Lott, and Suzette Oltrogge.

While Pullman loves so many different aspects of each room, she really loves that the project has brought so many people together.

"We have itty bitty kids helping that are so excited to be a part of this, to those all the way up the age range. And to see so many people come together and really get into it - plan it, think about it in their free time and text me their ideas to make it better and better, that's what I'm really excited about," she said.

Organizers want the public to know this event really is for the community and they also hope to see an increase in traffic for local businesses.

"I know a lot of people have asked 'what does the money go to?' and 'who does this benefit?' This is for the community. This is for those who love Halloween. The profits for these events carry forward to making next year bigger and better, year after year. No one person is going to make any money off this venture - but a lot of people will benefit," Pullman said.

Remember – pre-purchasing your tickets is truly the way to go! Visit today to reserve your time slot!


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