Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Our Town 100 Years Ago: Oct. 1920 Part 1

Fall is a beautiful time of year in the Jefferson Valley. The cottonwood trees along the river have a golden glow from the changing leaves; the air has a crisper feel than just a month ago, and wearing a jacket is becoming more common. New people are moving to town and some are leaving in October 1920.

We send wishes for improving health to longtime resident, businessman and former mayor Mr. A. J. McKay. Due to health issues, Mr. McKay is selling some of his land and his bungalow. This includes 22 acres east of town, the McKay and Carmichael business, his 121-acre ranch three-quarters of mile from town and his 171-acre farm one and one-half miles from town.

The District II Montana Federation of Women's Clubs held their sixth annual meeting in Whitehall under the direction of District President and Whitehall resident, Mrs. Ike Pace. This also marked the eight anniversary of the founding of the Whitehall Women's Club. Mrs. E. W. Wolverton is the local chapter president. Approximately 40 women gathered in town for the meeting and banquet held at the Palm Hotel. Mrs. Packard served as toastmaster and had the honor to introduce former Whitehall grade school teacher and the first woman elected to the U. S. Congress, Jeanette Rankin.

In Society news, the second annual American Legion Ball will be held on November 11th and attendance is by invitation only. Guests will be expected to conduct themselves under the Army ideal of strict discipline and rules of behavior.

Autumn bride to be, Harriet Greene was honored at a miscellaneous shower hosted by Mrs. S. W. McGlynn and Mrs. Leo Kelly. Attending were Mesdames A. E. Gilbert, Thomas Barry, A. R. McDonald, J. Kountz, W. Mountjoy, James Brennan, J. M. Darrenougue, R. G. Stretch, L. B. Knight, C. M. Covert and misses Kathryn Green and Pearl Edwards. Miss Harriet was also honored at a Pyrex and cutglass shower at the home of Mrs. Leo Kelly. Miss Greene will marry George McKeown at St. Josephs church in Butte on October 20th.

Melba McCall and Willard Nielsen have been united in marriage. She worked as a clerk at the Northern Pacific office and he has been engaged in farming.

In business news, Montana Power is advertising electric rates of 10 cents per kilowatt hour. The Town of Whitehall is offering 8% interest on your money for investing in the Whitehall Improvement Bonds. Contact Louis F. Lepp for more information. Bids are being accepted for construction of a highway through Cottonwood canyon.

During the Town Council meeting, costs were presented for improving and beautifying the town park. Total actual cost will be $1184.55 if all labor and materials are paid for. Based on expected donations, the cost could be as low as $758.00.

Congressional candidate and Republican Washington J. McCormack will speak at the Yellowstone Theatre. Election day will be here in a few days. Gentlemen, and Ladies, remember to exercise your right to vote.


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