Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Trojan football adds second Jefferson game to schedule

It looks like the Whitehall/Harrison High School football team will get a non-conference game --- well sort of.

After having their first three games of the season canceled due to an order from the Jefferson County Health Department barring non-conference games for the Trojans and Jefferson High School, the two county teams have decided to schedule an exhibition game for September 4 at 7 p.m.

According to Whitehall Head Coach Dan Lacey, the two teams will meet in a game that will not count in conference standings. The rivals will also meet October 2 for a 5B Conference game in Boulder.

An order from Jefferson County Health Officer Joan VanDuynhoven canceled the participation in non-conference games for the 2020 fall season for two county teams.

In the order, VanDuynhoven stated Jefferson County has had 33 cases from July 6 to August 19, and the work of case investigation has added up to 428.25 nursing hours, 2 full-time nurses, and 2 temporary nurses.

"The health department budget has recently been cut. Doing case investigations has taken over and the everyday work of the health departments suffering. The majority of cases have occurred in the North and South regions of the county with the middle of the county experiencing 20% or less of the cases," the order states.

The order goes on to read that the circumstances of the COVID-19 outbreak may exceed the capacity of the services, personnel, equipment, supplies, and facilities of Jefferson County.

"WHEREAS, the Jefferson County Board of Health has determined that the potential spread of COVID-19 constitutes a public health emergency and actions must be taken to avert and minimize the outbreak of this communicable disease and; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 50-2-118 of the Montana Code Annotated, a local health officer in carrying out the purpose of the public health system shall take steps to limit contact between people in order to protect the public health from imminent threats, including but not limited to ordering the closure of buildings or facilities where people congregate and cancelling events;

WHEREAS, the Jefferson County Board of Health has determined that the local health officer should institute her authority to close buildings and facilities to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within Jefferson County, Montana. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, pursuant to Title 50, Chapter 2, Part 1, and specifically Section 50-2-118 of the Montana Code Annotated, The high Schools of Jefferson County; Jefferson High School in Boulder and Whitehall High school in Whitehall, shall cancel participation in non-conference games/play for the Fall 2020 season," reads the order.


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