Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Local writer publishes second book

What started at out as a "goofy poem" has now turned into two published books and a third on the way for Whitehall based writer Shirley Baustian.

After publishing the children's book "Good Friends" in 2017, Baustian recently received the published copies of the sequel "More Good Friends" on May 12.

She describes the book as suited for kids aged kindergarten to third or fourth grade and teaches about friendship. She said in the first book a moose becomes friends with a mouse, in the new book he goes on vacation and befriends a rabbit, and in the third book will meet up with a duck.

Baustian has always had an interest in writing and also has been participating in the Writers of Whitehall group that meets monthly.

"It wasn't until recently that I realized that some of my writings could be made into books...That's how these books happened," she said.

When the package arrived last Tuesday, Baustian said she was excited to see it in print, but also looking forward to the next book. After having Patsy Jensen do the illustrations for the first two, Baustian will be doing the art of the third book.

For more information about purchasing the book or Writers of Whitehall, please contact Baustian at or 406-287-5430.


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Rendered 03/03/2025 06:05