As part of the Western Montana Zone, Jefferson County is, as of March 1st, transitioning from the winter burning season into the open burn period that runs annually from March through the end of November.
While the air quality restrictions are relaxed during this open burn period, burn permits are still required for fires over 48" in size. Those who need a permit can log onto the system at to purchase and activate their permits. Remember that your permit must be activated every day you plan to burn, and that you are responsible for any fire you ignite.
Here are some tips for you to prepare for you debris burning. First, check the weather the day of your burn, and the upcoming forecast. If high winds are predicted, delay your burn until calmer days are forecast.
Even if you only plan to burn for one day, if high winds are predicted on subsequent days, you should delay your burn. Each fire department in the county, in coordination with the county Fire Warden, has the authority to open and close debris burning in their district if predicted weather conditions become extreme, so make sure you check the online system before igniting your burn to confirm that debris burning is still open. Make sure you have a clear zone (an area clear of combustibles) around your burn location, extending four times the flame height of your burn. You must also have a suitable source of extinguishing the fire available. Finally, never leave the fire unattended, and make sure the burn is cold to the touch before leaving the area.
For any questions regarding your debris burn, you can contact the Jefferson County Fire Warden at 225-4035.
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