Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) would like to announce and invite the public to comment on a proposal to resurface approximately 8.4 miles of State Highway 29. The project begins approximately 4 miles north of Silver Star at the Junction of MT-41 and MT-55 and extends north 8.4 miles ending at the Junction of MT-41 and MT-2 (Locally known as Cactus Jct.).
Proposed work includes seal and cover (chip seal), upgraded pavement markings, signage and guardrail. The purpose of the project is to extend the service life of the roadway, provide additional skid resistance, and take a cost-effective action to preserve and maintain the existing roadway.
The project is tentatively scheduled for construction in 2020, depending on completion of all project development activities and availability of funding. No new Right-of-Way or utility relocations will be needed.
An important part of properly planning for future projects is partnering with the community. The Montana Department of Transportation welcomes the public to provide ideas and comments on the proposed project. Comments may be submitted online at or in writing to Montana Department of Transportation, Butte office at PO Box 3068, Butte, MT 59702-3068. Please note that comments are for project UPN 9482000.
For additional information please contact Butte District Administrator Bill Fogarty at (406) 494-9635 or Project Design Engineer Joe Walsh at (406) 494 9622.
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