Earlier this year, the Musical Ensembles at Liberty Place delighted local crowds with their third annual "Lights On" concert. Next week local residents will be able to relive the wonderful evening with the rebroadcast of "Lights On 3".
The broadcasts will take place on Jefferson County Radio on December 31 and January 1 at 6 p.m. The local Jefferson County Radio stations are 106.1 FM in Cardwell and 106.5 FM in Whitehall.
Prior to this year's show, David Parker of Liberty Place said in the past two years they have had a conglomerate of songs – some about life with an acquired brain injury and some songs that are just plain fun.
"We will definitely be keeping it fun but decided to go with a theme this year: 'Changes: From Out of the Darkness'. We chose songs that deal with the profound changes the men and women of Liberty Place have confronted post brain injury. There will be songs we've written and songs we've adapted, as well as some spoken word pieces," he said.
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