Celebrating 85 years of working together to make a better world, the District 5390 Rotary Club of Whitehall held their annual picnic at the Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park Pavilion on Monday, August 5th. Present also were members from the Butte and Twin Bridges Clubs plus their family members. Keeping this annual event moving smoothly was local member and Chairperson of the picnic, Millie Baycroft.
The new District Governor, Sandy Wong from the Billings Club was in attendance to discuss her goals for this year. Making information current; more volunteers for the District Level, a Resource Directory of Member's talents, a Speaker's Bureau and EREY (Every Rotarian, Every Year). The group re-iterated the 4-Way Test of Rotary: Is it the Truth? Is it Fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better friendships and will it be beneficial to all concerned.
One example of their goals is RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Academy). This is an annual leadership camp for young teenagers. Several of the Rotarians present are actively involved in this organization.
The Whitehall Rotary Club has been presenting framed certificates from the Wheelchair Foundation for more than a decade to local individuals, groups, or businesses who provide volunteer service to our community. It is also a tradition of the club to make a donation for a wheelchair in honor of the District Governor. Sandy Wong received her certificate and a photo of a young person in Peru who received a wheelchair.
Wong stated that her goals included criteria to connect clubs across the Districts thus fulfilling her annual theme "Rotary Connects The World." Before she began her speech, the District Governor had passed out 'Rotary 5390 Bingo' cards which contained key words of her speech. (i.e.: People of Action Campaign; Peace Park Assembly; and Every Rotarian Every Year)
Soon joyful shouts of BINGO rang out as the group became involved in her speech and emphasized her goals. Another successful evening under the stars bringing people together to work on common goals.
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