Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

EDITORIAL: Our View: Volunteers key to Frontier Days

It's a little over a week away from Frontier Days, the biggest celebration of the year in the Whitehall area.

Since the 2018 event, chamber and other volunteers have been working extremely hard in anticipation of 2019 and this year once again has a little something for everyone.

A huge event like Frontier Days is not a success without the numerous people working hard behind the scenes. From the Jefferson Valley Fire Arts Show to the parade, the many events at Frontier Days cannot happen without many hours of advanced planning.

With the size and multiple events over the course of two days, the time and effort put into the planning and execution of Frontier Days is something not only the volunteers should be proud of, but the community as well. It can often be a thankless job, but they are doing it for the betterment of the community.

With the many events planned for 2019, the chamber could also use a little more help, so if anyone has time to chip in it would be greatly appreciated. The same can be said for the many events throughout the year in Whitehall. An hour or two goes a long way to help out.

Also be sure to check out the special Frontier Day's section in this week's edition of the Ledger. It is a great way to see a schedule and lineup of events, pictures from past Frontier Days, as well as ads and specials from our great local businesses.

Next week is going to be a great one in Whitehall and a chance for family and friends to come together to celebrate.


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