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COLUMN: The smell of Taco Bell

I'm not sure if I had to choose, I could pick a favorite sport between football and basketball but would easily admit that the NCAA basketball tournament is my favorite sporting event of the year.

I also really enjoy covering high school basketball during the postseason and even though it seems to last about five months I also spend a lot of time following the NBA playoffs. I spent a lot of time watching the playoffs this year and the NBA Finals were a very interesting affair with the Toronto Raptors ending a dream season with their first world championship.

During this year's finals, fast food giant Taco Bell had a promotion that if a road team picked up a victory, they would give away a free Doritos Locos taco to everyone in America. Although the Warriors were unable to win their third straight championship and fourth in five years, they were able to win game two of the finals and secure free food for the masses.

On the day of the promotion last week, people flooded the taco bell website and mobile app to secure their free taco. The amount of traffic pretty much crashed the restaurant's online presence and made it difficult for many to go and grab their taco.

My news feed on Facebook and Twitter was full of stories about people complaining about not being able to get their food and for a few hours it seemed to be the biggest trending story in America.

This made me laugh that people were so upset about this and at the same time kind of horrified me.

I'm really not sure what is worse, the fact the menu price of item is a mere $1.89 or the fact that it was from Taco Bell.

I'm a huge fan of Mexican food but that is not what I would consider Taco Bell. I'm not sure what the "meat" is in their tacos, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't come from a cow. The spice mixture isn't much better. It's not Mexican food at all. I'm not really sure if it's food. I would honestly rather open up a can of Spam and go to town.

Every time we got to Butte; the kids always ask to go to Taco Bell. It starts with little hints as we go over Homestake Pass and by the time we hit the first exit there are often demon like creatures screaming they need their fix.

I always try to come up with some sort of excuse so I don't have to eat it. Every once in a while, I have to cave in because it makes them happy, but I have no idea how people like the place so much. I recently read there is a Taco Bell themed Hotel, and this really made me shake my head. I don't think I would want any vacation to start with diarrhea, so I don't see the charm of staying there.

The only descent thing about the place is the price, but then again you definitely get what you pay for.

It is just a little weird that people were going so crazy for something that costs less than $2. I think a lot of people hear "free" and go bezerk no matter what the product is. I'd like to see what would happen if a major toilet paper company gave away a free role of their product if a road team won a game in the World Series. I wouldn't be surprised if the masses were at WalMart ready to get the Charmin they most likely need from the love of Taco Bell.

In the end, it's probably a win-win situation for Taco Bell because everybody that came into one of their thousands of locations probably ordered a lot more than a taco. They also had millions of people talking about their product and that wasn't a bad thing.


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