Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Column: Adam & Janet

In the days after the Super Bowl social media was on fire and it wasn't about the actual game that just so happened to be probably the least exciting championship affair in recent memory.

Instead of talk about how the Patriots defense played or how the Rams had trouble getting a first down, it was instead about the Super Bowl Halftime show and Maroon 5 lead singer Adam Levine. While the ladies at my house may have swooned a bit when he removed his shirt, 99 percent of what I read was negative about him and the performance.

I would not consider myself a music snob, but I have a taste in certain bands and uphold a quality of music and the band that played February 3 was not up to my standards. A little too vanilla for my taste, but I certainly understand they are very poppy and I have found myself singing a few of their songs on the radio when no one else is in the car and the windows are rolled up.

The negativity was not reserved for just this year, it happens just about every Super Bowl and I think it might be time to just get rid of the performance and have a normal 12 minute halftime like every other game of the season.

I'm not sure why the halftime show has become such a spectacle but it would be great for it to come to an end.

Whether it is Janet Jackson and her wardrobe malfunction or Adam Levine and his awful tattoos, the show is taking away from what should be the highlight of the NFL season.

For some reason the talk about the game tends to disappear at halftime and the next few days there is so much buzz about exposed chest areas and it is sad for everyone who just wants to watch football.

I also don't understand all the fan fare about commercials. I fully understand how important advertising is, but for 364 days a year people will use their DVR's to fast forward through the commercials of recorded shows or pay an extra few dollars on HULU or another streaming service to remove ads. All of a sudden on Super Bowl Sunday a cute puppy or silly beer commercial will change this in a heartbeat.

I've read that people who don't like football will actually get together to just watch the commercials and halftime show. To each there own, but thought of this makes me want to climb under the covers in my bed the first Sunday of February.

There has also been a movement in recent years to move the Super Bowl to Saturday so people don't have to worry about going to work on Monday. The momentum for this is gaining, but let's be perfectly clear, this is just a way of people saying they are going to get drunk and don't want to work with a hangover or a few hours of sleep. While else would it matter to have the game on a Saturday?

I love football and watch it every chance I get. There are sometimes I'm sure I make Melissa crazy when I want to watch someone like Ball State play Akron, but the sport is a pure joy for me to watch.

I wish the biggest game of the year did not have to be some weird spectacle where the football takes the backburner to all the other shenanigans going on.

There are always going to be duds of a game where the play isn't really that exciting, but that is football. Not every game is going to have 70 plus points like in 2018, but they are generally pretty fun to watch.

I'm sure that next year the NFL will once again bring in somebody to perform that will have America going crazy, but I ask if you are going to have the show, why not bring in an artist like Willie Nelson, George Straight, or Metallica? At least I'd know the show wouldn't suck.


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