It was an amazing start to the season for the Whitehall High School wrestling team. Competing at last week's season opening Cascade Tournament. The Trojans had four individual champions on their way to a second place finish.
"It was a great weekend. We were able to take 11 of our 16 wrestlers. They were eager to start competition. This group made quite a statement against the larger teams. The rankings fluctuated over the course of the weekend but by the end Whitehall had earned 2nd place out of the 23 teams there," assistant coach Steve Sacry said.
The Trojans finished with a total of 205 team points, just behind Townsend who had 220. The Great Falls High JV team was third, Columbus was fourth, and Boulder was fifth. 9 of the 11 Whitehall wrestlers placed.
Sacry said the two captains, Connor Johnson (138) and Mike Wilkinson (132) led the charge by placing first in their weight classes. Dawson Powers (113) and Gaten Wassberg (182) also finished in first place.
Johnson said it was nice to finally win the Cascade Tournament after getting second his freshman and sophomore years and not getting to wrestle last year.
The Trojans were able to get some valuable points from new wrestlers to the team. Freshman Tommy Emerson finished third at 103 pounds, and Cody Best who Sacry said turned his limited experience into a second place finish. His brother Jimmy Best was 2-3 at 185 pounds. Sacry said Jimmy is completely new to the sport but was still able to pick up two wins.
Trentin Walker (126) and Dallen Hoover (145) each finished in fourth place. Sacry said Gage McMillian wasn't able to place but had some good matches.
"The first weekend is a good time for the coaches to assess the team. While there is plenty to work on, we saw a team that was eager and up to the challenge. We are all committed to having a good year," he ssaid.
The only negative of the weekend for Whitehall was an injury to junior Riley Forcella. Sacry said because of the injury he had to forfeit his last two matches, adding prior to that he had advanced far enough to still earn the sixth place medal.
Whitehall wrestlers Jamus DuBois, Dalten Denny, Garris Robertson, Brody Becker and Alleck Holloway did not compete at the tournament.
It will be a busy week of wrestling action in Whitehall.
The Whitehall High School wresting team is hosting three days of wrestling, the first Thursday' nights Whitehall Quads at 6 p.m. The team will host the Whitehall Duals Friday and Saturday. The action will start December 7 at 1 p.m. and December 8 at 10 a.m.
Whitehall assistant coach Steve Sacry said this is the best time to see the Trojans wrestlers locally.
Trojans wrestler Connor Johnson said he is super excited for the home events because it is his senior year.
"I just hope we can get as much support as possible there to watch and cheer," he said.
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