The word "hero" has a different meaning for everyone. In my eyes, a "hero" can mean anything from a past or present member of the military to a teacher who does their best each and everyday to help ensure the future is bright for a younger generation. There is also no better definition in my eyes of a hero than the local residents who are members of law enforcement, firefighters, EMS personnel or involved with search and rescue.
The past few weeks in California have been a harrowing example of the dangers faced by firefighters, who always without a second thought, risk their lives to save others.
While the firefighters are always doing their absolute best to better society, sometimes departments need a little help. This is certainly the case in Whitehall where numbers have dropped and there is a need for more volunteers.
It is time for local residents to help out those who are always helping others. The Whitehall Volunteer Fire Department is in need of new members and it is time for others to answer their call.
Please read the letter below drafted by the Jefferson Valley Rural Fire Board of Directors, it discusses the true need for more volunteers in the local community.
Disregarding all politics, the cry to Make America Great Again touches every American's heart. America's collective heart is its communities: communities where we grow up go to school, work, play, marry, and raise a family. In our Whitehall and rural Jefferson Valley, we depend upon volunteers: people who give a little of themselves to safeguard the continued vitality of our great community.
The Whitehall Fire Department is in dire need of a few more good men and women. You may have noticed that at times, the fire siren goes unanswered.
We simply do not have enough immediate manpower to answer every call. Some of our firemen are 20-30 miles way during the workweek. We especially need young men and women who live in Whitehall and its surrounding farms and ranches. Yes, young farmers and ranchers, we need you!
The WVFD is a highly trained organization committed first and foremost to the safety of its volunteers. Nothing is left to chance. We will train you.
Come be a hero and Make America Great Again: it may be your neighbor's business, shop, home, or even life that you save. Join the WVFD today. Please contact Fire Chief, Jeremy Ward at 406-565-6380 or We thank you.
Jefferson Valley Rural Fire Board of Directors
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