Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Trojan harriers compete twice

The Whitehall High School cross county team once again had solid times at last Tuesday's Butte Central Meet at the Fairmont Golf Course.

Junior Madison Loomis was the lone Trojan to compete in the varsity race and she did not disappoint. Loomis finished seventh out of 35 runners with a time of 23:35.3.

The younger members of the team also shined at the meet. Adam Williams was 13th of 49 runners in the boys junior varsity race with a time of 22:219.

Kenzie Hugulet was 30th, finishing the race at 25:16.7. Ethan Flood finished with a time of 28:40.4.

Freshman Brynna Wolfe cracked the top ten in t...


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