Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Sign up for the Jefferson County Fair

The 2018 Jefferson County Fair and Rodeo, "A Fair of the Heart," is August 22 to 26 at the Jefferson County Recreation Park, one-half mile south of Boulder. Jefferson County Fair Board member Megan Dawson urges people to enter fair exhibits.

"We work hard to make it easy to participate in the fair. We encourage people to enter exhibits, and are so pleased to have 4-H animals again this year," Dawson said.

The Jefferson County Fair is not limited to exhibitors from Jefferson County. Dawson said, "It's great to see people who used to live in Jefferson County, their kids and grandkids, enter exhibits."

The fair board lists its top ten reasons to enter exhibits in the Jefferson County Fair:

1. It's free to enter exhibits. Many fairs charge a fee to enter exhibits. Except for a $5 per contestant fee for the kids' horse show and kids' rodeo, the Jefferson County Fair does not.

2. It's easy. Volunteers help fill out entry blanks when people bring their food, arts, crafts, photography, floral, and gardening exhibits to the fair. The kids' horse show & rodeo, livestock and small animal competitions require sending in entry forms in advance--see the fair book for deadlines.

3. It's fun. Whether making an onion creation, wearing a Halloween costume for a stroll down main street in the kids' parade, or dusting off Old Paint for a bucking stick horse ride, fair contests and competitions are light hearted and friendly.

4. It's a family, and community, tradition. This is the 35th Annual Jefferson County Fair. A whole generation of kids grew up loving the fair. Many come back from across the country to enjoy time with each other and their families.

5. Prizes and ribbons. Every exhibit is judged on merit and guaranteed a ribbon. If an exhibit deserves a blue ribbon, it gets one. That means many blue (1st place) ribbons. Purple and heart ribbons also receive cash premiums. Sponsors donate special prizes in memory of loved ones.

6. It's creative. It is an opportunity to show hundreds of people your talents. If you want to enter something and there is no category in the fair booklet, bring it anyway. Fair superintendents will make a category just for you.

7. Free tips on how to improve. Fair judges, experts in their fields, comment on exhibits. In livestock, small animal and horse show categories, the judge explains how ribbons are decided. If you raise chickens in your back yard, bring yours and learn what makes a good chicken.

8. It's for all ages. The youngest exhibitors enter the coloring contest for a ribbon and prize. Other exhibitors bring everything from paintings to crocheted handwork to beautiful roses and delicious pies.

9. We build community. The fair is an opportunity for people to share stories and laughs, run into old friends and make new ones, and relax in the park listening to live music. It works because people participate.

10. It's affordable. From free admission to the grounds, $2 per car parking fee, a $2 cover charge for a real barn dance with Insufficient Funds Band, and a rodeo admission of $8 for adults, $4 for kids, organizers work hard to keep the costs down. Free live music, inflatable games for kids, a quarter to ride the Boulder River Carousel, the free In-county Wrangler Roundup, free prizes for kids at the roll in the straw--the Jefferson County Fair and Rodeo on August 22-26 is affordable fun for the whole family!

For information on how to enter, look for the fair book in local businesses or go online at


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