Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Postmaster Resignation from 1890


"Major" E. G. Brooke is a well-known member of our Whitehall historical figures group. He came to the Jefferson Valley in the late 1860's, ran a stage stop on what is now the Whitetail road, was a member of two territorial and one state legislature, took care of his cattle and his family and still had time to be the Whitehall Postmaster. But, like many people today, there came a time to give up something and he chose his job as postmaster. The following is taken from the July 5, 1890 edition of the Livingston Enterprise which printed his resignation letter sent to Colonel Sanders in Washington, D.C..

"My dear Friend – I have a little ax I want ground. It is this: I wish to resign as postmaster at Whitehall. You are aware of the facts that I have served continuously since early in 1868, that I only accepted the office for the purpose of establishing my loyalty to the United States. Now, I think I have served long enough for that purpose and if not it is needless to try any longer. I most cheerfully recommend Wesley W. McCall as my successor. The worst that can be said about him is that he continues to vote the republican ticket, while I have been voting the democratic ticket for the last twenty-five years and am still growing in the faith as age and knowledge increase. Now, Colonel, I hope you will present this, my resignation, to the proper department of the post office. Yours truly, E. G. Brooke."

For more information on Major Brooke, Wesley McCall and other founders of Whitehall and the Jefferson Valley, visit the Jefferson Valley Museum, Tuesday through Sunday from 12:00 to 4:00 PM. The museum is open for the summer season through September 15th.


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