Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

EDITORIAL: Earth Day Event Big For Caverns

The Lewis and Clark Caverns located 13 miles south of Whitehall is not only a popular destination for thousands of tourists each season, the park is also a premier location for locals who utilize the area for bird watching, hiking, mountain biking and other activities.

With the Montana State Park set to open for the season soon, this Sunday is an important day for local residents to come out to show their support by helping out with repairing sections of trail, removing invasive weeds, and picking up litter.

The Spring Repair Event will take place on Earth Day and the work will be led by State Park Staff, Jefferson County Weed District personnel, and Southwest Montana Mountain Bike Association members.

Officials were not only pleased with the turnout in 2017, they were happy with what they were able to accomplish. There is so much to explore at the Lewis and Clark Caverns, it is important to keep it a shining star of Southwest Montana. Park staff does the best they can, but this is a chance for those close to home to come out and help a place that brings in many tourists every year.

One of the biggest aspects of the day will be the removal of noxious weeds that are unfortunately found all over the park. At last year’s event Jefferson County Weed Coordinator Jill Allen did an incredible job informing volunteers about not only what they would be looking for, but also why the invasive species is causing problems, and more importantly how to remove it. There were quite a few school-aged volunteers helping with the weeds and this was really great to see.

Sunday will almost be an informal kickoff to the season at the park; it would be great to see as many people out there on Earth Day helping out.



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