Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

MDOT officials discuss HWY 55

Employees from the Montana Department of Transportation met with local officials and visited various organizations last Thursday to discuss the ongoing Whitehall South Roadway Improvements Project.

MDOT Senior Engineering Project Coordinator Shane Watson said there is currently 150-day contract with the main contractor, and the completion of updating the bridge at Pipestone Creek could be done as soon as the middle of June. The full project includes improving the roadway through new alignments and should be substantially completed in October. The full project should be finished by July of 2019 at a total cost of $7.2 million. The project includes a detour on Capp Lane, and Watson said they are trying to not hold up anyone for more than 15 minutes, adding they are utilizing cameras to help them with controlling traffic.

Along with addressing safety concerns, Watson said the biggest part of the work is updating the bridge at Pipestone Creek, adding construction is going well.

"It was time for a new bridge," he said.

Both Watson, and Melissa Shannon who works with the Strategies 360 public relations firm, said they want to hear feedback from the public about the project.

Some of the concerns expressed from residents at a Whitehall Chamber of Commerce meeting were the size and location of signage warning semis of the detour, the condition of detour roads, possible flooding on Capp Lane, and semis above weight of width going through the construction.

Watson said while residents should love the project when it is done, they really should call MDOT with any concerns.

For more information on the project, travel delays, and restrictions, please visit (under MT-55), or email Shannon at


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