While the weather the past several weeks had dipped below zero on multiple occasions, spring is just around the corner and with this is the return of baseball in Whitehall.
The Whitehall Baseball League is scheduled to start their season in April and will once again compete in the Gallatin Valley League.
League officials also have some great news for the upcoming season.
‘We are excited to announce that we will be hosting the League’s championship tournament June 2 and 3,” Joe Chase said. “This will bring all the teams and their families to our community for the weekend.”
With the start of play under two months away, Chase and other league officials are currently seeking donations for the upcoming season.
“These donations have allowed us to continue to improve the league and facilities for the baseball players in the Whitehall Community,” Chase said.
The donations are used to replace sponsorship signs on the outfield fences, to maintain and improve the fields, purchase equipment and uniforms, and play yearly insurance and umpire fees.
Donations of $100 or more will receive a banner on the outfield wall.
To make a donation, please submit to: Whitehall Baseball League, PO Box 16, Whitehall, MT 59759.
The Whitehall Baseball League TAX ID Number is 81-0531604.
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