Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Town discusses cemetery project

The Whitehall Public Works Department has been busy making improvements to the town cemetery.

At the Town Council meeting last week, Public Works Director Kory Klapan reported his department has been working on the entryway into the cemetery. He said they would be putting in grass and sprinklers in the area, and they are also planning to get rid of the satellite dishes. Klapan added they have also been working to fill in some of the low spots at the cemetery.

In his monthly report, assistant fire chief Joe Granvold thanked the volunteers of the Whitehall Country Store for their recent donation. The department received $18,000 last month that is being used for renovations currently being done at the town fire hall. Granvold added the department is always looking for volunteers.

Mayor Mary Janacaro-Hensleigh also thanked the volunteers from the Country Store and the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District for helping the town.


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