Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Town hosting public hearing next week

The Town of Whitehall is hosting a public hearing later this month to obtain public comments regarding overall community development needs.

The meeting is scheduled to take place February 20 at 5 p.m. at Town Hall.

The purpose of the meeting is to obtain public comments regarding the Town of Whitehall’s overall community development needs (public facilities, economic development, and housing needs), including the needs of low and moderate-income persons.

Mary Janacaro-Hensleigh said the town has entered into an agreement with the Department of Environmental Quality mandating the water system uranium violations be addressed.

“According to the 2010 census, 72.77 percent of our town’s population has an income level of low and moderate with 22.7 at poverty levels. Considering we must address our uranium issues and we have little to no money to pay for the improvements we support the town pursuing funding to help pay for the necessary infrastructure,” Janacaro Hensleigh said.

The Town will also seek views on the activities that should be undertaken to meet the identified needs and their relative priority.

The Town of Whitehall may apply for funding from the Montana Community Development Block Grant (CDGB) Program (Federal funding administered by the Montana Department of Commerce), and other state and federal funding sources to deal with local housing, public facilities, or other community needs and would like comments or suggestions from local residents.

At a Whitehall Chamber of Commerce meeting last week, Janacaro-Hensleigh stressed the importance of having local residents to submitting comments to help obtain grants and funding.

She said once the uranium issues are addressed, the town would like to consider improvements to streets, sidewalks, bike paths, parks, recreation complex, storm water and sewer. Other improvements the town would like to consider are housing needs, economic development, lighting and rails.

Comments can be given at the hearing or submitted in writing prior to February 20 at 4 p.m. The can be dropped off at town hall or mailed to PO Box 529 in Whitehall.

Anyone who would like more information is encouraged to contact Town Hall at 406-287-3972.


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