Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

COLUMN: 2018

I'm probably a week or two late on this, but I figure it is still January so it is still most likely timely.

I've never been one to make a New Year's resolution and I'm certainly not going to start this year. I tried one once or twice and it didn't last long. I'm not talking about I only made it to the Super Bowl, I didn't even make it past the Rose Bowl on New Year's Day.

Instead, what I will do is share what I would like to see more of in 2018. There are so many wonderful things in the world, but improving others might not be a bad way to begin the year. These of course are just my opinions; I have no say on deciding anything.

1. People really need to stop posting "Fake News". There isn't a day that goes by that I don't see people freaking out about a story on social media. Sometimes the stories are so ridiculous and make no sense, but because it was on the Internet some people think it is automatically true. One quick glance at either the title or the page it comes from is an easy way to figure out it is not legit. There is so much disharmony in this world because of politics, "Fake News" makes it a lot worse. Once people read something that is fake they believe it to be true and it is like arguing with a piece of driftwood.

2. Speaking of social media, it would be really great for people to stop with the "I can't believe this is happening", "I'm so upset", or posts of that nature. Just come out and say you want attention because that is exactly what you are doing being so vague.

3. I would really like people to read more. Let me start that again, I would really like people to read more, unless it is "Fake News". I always feel a lot better and smarter when I read a lot during a day, week, or month. I'm much less of a zombie walking around with face glued to my phone. I don't care if people want to read newspapers, books, magazines or the back of the shampoo bottle, a few minutes a day is a plus.

4. I could probably write a column about this every week, but people should really think about slowing down when driving in winter conditions. I mentioned a few weeks back about a car that had flown past me on Homestake Pass and how a few minutes later they were off the road. A week after that the same car passed me again and I'm sure sometime later this winter I'll see them off the road again. It doesn't matter how good of a driver someone is or if they have 4 Wheel Drive, AWD, or use their feet like the Flintstones – ice and snow cause accidents so please quit driving like an idiot.

5. I know there are most likely not classes you can take about proper cart etiquette for the grocery store, but some common courtesy could go a long way in the aisles in 2018. Most people are pretty polite with their cart, but about 10 percent of people make what should be a ten minute trip to the store take an hour. There is always the person that will just zone out with their card sideways in the aisle preventing anyone from passing. They will stand there for what seems like an eternity just staring at Doritos. I usually will wait a few seconds before saying something, and than even though they are blocking the aisle I get the dirty look. I'm not sure why it is so hard to keep the cart off to the side, but it is.

6. Finally what I would like to see in 2018 is for the people who get pets even though they can't afford them to stop doing that. There seem to be so many cats and dogs abandoned locally and it really needs to stop. The rescue organizations can only do so much.

I'm sure I will probably see most everything on my list multiple times, but it was nice to vent.

Have a great 2018.


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