Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Officials considering 8 period school day

With attendance numbers increasing at the two Whitehall secondary schools, officials are looking into the possibility of eight period days.

In her monthly report, Principal Hannah Nieskens reported increases at both the high school and middle school. Nieskens said there were two new students at the high school for a total of 141. At the same time last year, the number was 122. Nieskens reported a total of 88 at the middle school, with the number 82 in 2017.

Nieskens said looking into the possibility of eight period days is a reality of getting more students.

“We have to be cognizant of the affects that has on a teacher and their class size,” Nieskens said.

She anticipates the numbers at 137 for the high school and over 100 for the middle school next year, and stated she would like to clear up misinformation that a decision had already been made on an eight-period day. She said they will look at the issue critically with staff members and the union, and will make a recommendation to the board to change if that is the best option.

“We need to come up with solutions as we grow,” she said.

K-5 Principal Britt McLean reported the attendance at the school is 183.

In his monthly report, Superintendent John Sullivan said he has made calls to the corporate office of Harlow’s Bus Service to inquire about a activity bus purchased in April of 2017.

The district had hoped to receive the bus in October of 2017, but Sullivan told the board in August the date had been changed, and at the time were hoping for a delivery in February of 2018.

Sullivan said he has not heard anything back from Harlow’s and is hoping for a call from their executives to find out something about the bus.

“I want this bus here,” Sullivan said. “I’m excited to see our new bus and our kids are too,” he said.


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