Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Chamber coordinator steps down

At the first Whitehall Chamber meeting of 2018, longtime executive coordinator Casey Chase stepped down from her position.

Chase told the Chamber board she was grateful for her time in the position, will finish her current obligations, and she and her husband will remain active members of the local organization. She served in the position for four and a half years.

“The growth and expansion of my own business requires more of my time than in previous years and I believe that my involvement will only slow down progress as I am unable to guarantee any sort of time commitment,” Chase said.

Board Treasurer Jill Dove praised her for her time with the Chamber and said that Chase has volunteered all of her time without pay since April of 2017. The Board also voted to approve a recommendation from Chase for current Assistant Coordinator Ann Lawrence to take over her position. The board also approved for current office assistant LaFay Stratton to take the place of Lawrence.

“The Chamber will be left in the very capable hands of two examples of stewards that help this sprit and love of Whitehall,” Chase said.


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