Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

EDITORIAL: Thanks to the outgoing, welcome to the new

In a little under two weeks, a new Mayor and several members will be joining the Whitehall governing body.

Incoming Mayor Mary Janacaro-Hensleigh, Montina Rawson, and Jason Good will all be sworn in at the January 8 meeting.

While it certainly is an exciting time for both the town and new members, it is also important to thank those who served in office prior to them.

I will certainly be the first to say that I didn’t always agree with the previous administration all the time, I do however commend them and thank them for the years of service they gave to the community. Serving in public office is often times a thankless position and carries not only a great deal of responsibility, but an also a fair share of stress. The job entails far more than just one meeting a month. It is countless hours and phone calls throughout the year. So thanks again for your time.

Moving forward, I believe some fresh faces and new members could be a shot in the arm for Whitehall.

The new members will all bring in different ideas and I assume are very motivated to get sworn in and to get things rolling.

I feel that because Janacaro-Hensleigh has previously served as Mayor, it will be helpful in the fact she knows how to operate a town and run meetings. In my discussions with her, she is very by the book and will adhere to Roberts Rules of Order during meetings -- and that is very good to hear. No matter what the new members do, they will be criticized and some point, and that is part of the job, much like all the people who served before them. I just thank them for stepping up for the town and devoting their time and efforts.

Here’s to a great 2018.



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