Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Madrigal Dinner returns next month

The biennial Whitehall High School Madrigal Dinner will return in 2017 with a fun night for both students and local residents.

The event will take place December 18 and 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the Whitehall High School Multi Purpose Room. The admission is $17 per ticket, and they can be purchased from any high school music student or at the Whitehall High school office.

A combined effort of the band and choir classes, the money raised in 2017 will go towards new garment bags for the band and choir uniforms.

Whitehall Music Director Janet Heilig said the students will entertain the crowd with period music, dancing, and comedic entertainment. She added a traditional meal will be served by students in costume.

"I guess I love putting on a Madrigal Dinner because I had a positive experience doing the same thing in my youth and I want to give that experience to my students. The community loving it is just a bonus! We are thrilled that this community keeps supporting it year after year, with attendance growing each time," Heilig said.


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