Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

County Commission Update

Hi Folks,

Interesting change of weather this past week.

There wasn’t much easing into the change. It went from the 90’s to the 40’s in about three days.

This should go a long way toward ending our fire season for this year, especially since we have more rain and snow forecasted for the next few days.

At our regular meeting last week we gave final plat approval to the Amended Palmer Minor Subdivision. We approved having our Recreation Department submit a grant request to develop a new website that will highlight all of the recreation opportunities in Jefferson County.

We had to amend Resolution 29-2017 To Set the Final Budget and Fix Tax Levies.

We won’t have a meeting this week because MACO is having their Fall Convention. I decided to take a few days off instead of going to the convention.

FYI: Chinese Philosopher, Confucius (551-479 BC); “To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice.”


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