Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Jefferson County Sheriff's Report

Monday, Sept. 4

2:35 a.m. – agency assist, 700 Cottonwood Road, Cardwell

11:05 a.m. - traffic/roads parking, Whitetail Road, Whitehall

11:20 a.m. – traffic stop, Whitetail Road, MM 8, Whitehall

4:03 p.m. – traffic stop, Hwy 359, Cardwell

4:27 p.m. – traffic stop, 1455 Hwy 2 East, Cardwell

4:49 p.m. – traffic/reckless, I-90 eastbound, MM 259, Whitehall

6:13 p.m. - suspicious/person/vehicle/circumstance, Robbins Lane, Whitehall

8:37 p.m. – traffic stop, Hwy 69, MM 15, Cardwell

9:09 p.m. - public safety-fire/smoke, I-90 westbound, MM 263, Cardwell

10:11 p.m. - suspicious/person/vehicle/circumstance, 201 West Legion Avenue, Whitehall

11:53 p.m. – mental crisis, 460 Hwy 2 West, Whitehall

Tuesday, Sept. 5

1:12 a.m. - trees/debris on roadway, Hwy 2, MM 72, Whitehall

1:30 a.m. – citizen assist, I-90 eastbound, MM 238.5, Cardwell

8:05 a.m. – stray livestock, Hwy 2, MM 71-72, Whitehall

9:30 a.m. – family disturbance, 288 McKeown Lane, Cardwell

9:55 a.m. – alarms, 1348 Hwy 2 West, Whitehall

10:08 a.m. - suspicious/person/vehicle/circumstance, Commercial Way, Whitehall

10:43 a.m. – mental crisis, 460 Hwy 2 West, Whitehall

3:37 p.m. - suspicious/person/vehicle/circumstance, I-90 MM 256, Cardwell

3:45 p.m. – stranded motorist, Hwy 55, Whitehall

4:02 p.m. – trespass, 18 North Centurian Way, Whitehall

4:10 p.m. – traffic stop, Legion Avenue, Whitehall

6:37 p.m. – traffic stop, I-90 eastbound, MM 251, Whitehall

11:47 p.m. - suspicious/person/vehicle/circumstance, 415 North Whitehall Street, Whitehall

Wednesday, Sept. 6

12:49 a.m. - suspicious/person/vehicle/circumstance, I-90 eastbound, MM 251, Whitehall

1:28 a.m. - traffic accident/1 vehicle /non injury, Hwy 69, MM 18, Cardwell

5:15 a.m. - suspicious/person/vehicle/circumstance, I-90 westbound, MM 251-252, Whitehall

8:36 a.m. – traffic/ roads & parking, Whitetail Road, MM 18, Whitehall

2:35 p.m. – welfare check, 932 Hwy 55, Whitehall

2:53 p.m. – animal preblem, 56 Hwy 359, Cardwell

4:42 p.m. – MHP assist, I-90 eastbound, MM 251, Whitehall

4:45 p.m. – traffic/reckless, I-90 eastbound, MM 236, Whitehall

5:42 p.m. - sexual assault/juvenile, 30 McLeod Estates #1, Whitehall

6:36 p.m. – civil assist, 88 Hwy 2 West, Whitehall

7:38 p.m. - suspicious/person/vehicle/circumstance, Hwy 359, Cardwell

Thursday, Sept. 7

1:22 a.m. - unsecured premises officer report, 13 West Legion Avenue, Whitehall

6:58 a.m. – stray livestock, I-90, MM 269-270, Cardwell

7:26 a.m. – stranded motorist, I-90 westbound, MM 263.5, Cardwell

10:52 a.m. - suspicious/person/vehicle/circumstance, Toll Mountain Road, Whitehall

6:46 p.m. – alarms, 1348 Hwy 2 West, Whitehall

7:39 p.m. – agency assist, I-90 westbound, MM 238, Whitehall

Friday, Sept. 8

7:49 a.m. – welfare check, I-90, MM 253, Whitehall

8:44 a.m. – traffic/ reckless, Hwy 69, MM 10, Whitehall

1:15 p.m. – mental crisis, 460 Hwy 2 West, Whitehall

2:11 p.m. – traffic/ reckless, I-90 eastbound, MM 248, Whitehall

2:51 p.m. – traffic/ reckless, Antelope Road, Whitehall

4:04 p.m. – trees/ debris on roadway, I-90 westbound, MM 261, Cardwell

4:07 p.m. – citizen assist, 111 West Legion Avenue, Whitehall

4:44 p.m. – DUI –liquor, 111 West Legion Avenue, Whitehall

4:23 p.m. – care fore sick/injured, 1173 Hwy 55, Whitehall

5:59 p.m. – dog at large, I-90 westbound, MM 241, Whitehall

6:41 p.m. – agency assist, 240 McCollum Road, Whitehall

7:29 p.m. – theft, 94 Hwy 2 West, Whitehall

8:29 p.m. – public safety fire/smoke, Golden Sunlight Mine Road, Whitehall

9:56 p.m. - animal problem – injured, Hwy 41 North, Whitehall

Saturday, Sept. 9

1:47 a.m. - care for sick/injured, 33 Sowden Lane, Whitehall

8:34 a.m. – stray livestock, 274 Hot Springs Road, Whitehall

10:41 a.m. – dangerous drugs, 11 North Division Street, Whitehall

11:41 a.m. - suspicious/person/vehicle/circumstance, Hwy 359, Cardwell

1:06 p.m. – citizen assist, Hwy 55, MM 3, Whitehall

1:18 p.m. - traffic & roads-moving, 112 North Division Street, Whitehall

1:33 p.m. – dog in livestock, 650 Waterloo Road, Whitehall

2:11 p.m. – stranded motorist, I-90 eastbound, MM 259, Cardwell

3:15 p.m. - suspicious/person/vehicle/circumstance, Point Of Rocks Road, Whitehall

3:20 p.m. – trees/debris on roadway, I-90 westbound, MM 264, Cardwell

5:12 p.m. – citizen assist, I-90, MM 266, Cardwell

6:09 p.m. – animal cruelty/neglect, Kountz Road, Whitehall

7:18 p.m. – trespass, 157 Hot Springs Road, Whitehall

9:25 p.m. – animal problem –injured, Hwy 287, MM 87, Cardwell

10:15 p.m. - suspicious/person/vehicle/circumstance, 605 1st Street West, Whitehall

Sunday, Sept. 10

1:53 a.m. – assault, 415 North Whitehall Street, Whitehall

6:48 a.m. - suspicious/person/vehicle/circumstance, I-90 eastbound, MM 233.5, Whitehall

8:40 a.m. – public safety –fire/smoke, Piedmont Road, Whitehall

11:03 p.m. – family disturbance, 6 Pattycake Drive, Whitehall

12:33 p.m. – traffic/ reckless, North Main Street, Whitehall

2:56 p.m. – traffic accident/1 vehicle/fatal, I-90 westbound, MM 263, Cardwell

3:40 p.m. - public safety-fire/smoke, 200 North Division Street, Whitehall

5:49 p.m. – traffic stop, I-90 eastbound, MM 254, Cardwell

6:14 p.m. – stray livestock, Hwy 2 East, MM 4, Cardwell

8:42 p.m. - animal problem –injured, Hwy 55, MM 4.5, Whitehall

10:18 p.m. – traffic stop, 770 Hwy 2 East, Cardwell


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