Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


Down McKeown Lane is a wonderful old house and out buildings that belong to Scott and Tracie Cornwall. Over the years, Tracie has put a foundation under the old house, done some landscaping and at present, Scott is in the process of refurbishing the barn. Tracie told me some time ago that her investigation of the property indicated that the house had actually had school held in part of it. Recently, Tracie turned 60 years old! Her daughters, Sarah and Aons llie, threw an afternoon party for her, so folks could come and go and wish her well.

The Whitehall Pinochle Club was hosted by Kathy Clark and next time her husband, Michael, will do the hosting. Florence Weyer won High and also, Pinochle. Erv Hedegaard, a guest for the afternoon, placed 2nd. Mary Gustin won Low. Norm Ridder and Dee Panich joined Erv as guests.

Janice Carmody had a house full of grandkids during July and worked haying, etc., as well. In August, the Billings Fair was calling and she spent several days with J.J. and Piper Vant while Piper took part in the Fair.

Thank you to whoever mowed all around the Chief Motel. Besides looking very unsightly, it was a fire hazard. Watching The Square Deal on South Division being dismantled was interesting. The interior boards looked well preserved. Progress is inevitable, but photos can retain history. A display at the Museum reveals that Miller Lumber was a very prosperous business on this site in the early 1900’s. The building next door, which is a home, was once part of this same lumber company.

Several of the volunteers of the Museum, met earlier than usual on Monday to do catch-up work, and to observe the eclipse. A 1940 X-Ray, proper glasses and a cereal box gadget allowed us to watch safely. It was fun to watch it with others - especially that bunch. I noticed that the last solar eclipse was February 26, 1979 - which I do not remember at all! That was wrestling and basketball seasons finishing up, calving was full time and who can even remember the weather. (perhaps that file drawer in my memory is full) At any rate, today was amazing. As I watch NOVA on PBS, I am reminded of Psalm 19:1. “The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork.” Too bad, the scientists don’t acknowledge Him.

The Trojan football scrimmage didn’t do much for my recognizing who was who. Kerry Sacry stood by me and helped me out. It will be much easier when they actually are in competition. I hope the Ledger will print a group photo so I can learn names quicker. Have a blessed week.


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