Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Williams awarded scholarship

Phillip W. Williams, a graduate student at the University of Montana's FireCenter, was awarded the Whitehall Garden Club Scholarship for 2017. He received a BS in Forestry from the UM in 2016. He eventually wants to earn a PhD to teach at a University.

His career goals also include learning how to manage not only forests, but also the technologies that inform us how the natural world functions. He is currently completing an internship with Skyefish, a local drone manufacturing company based in Missoula. His thesis involves the usage of drones, or unmanned aerial systems, as wildfire management and remote sensing tools. He also volunteers as a tour guide at the Historic St. Mary's Mission and Museum where he educated people about the Native American's role in Montana's founding.

He also enjoys hiking, swimming and camping in the Bitterroot Mountains. He is the son of Michael and Eve Williams of Stevensville.


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