Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

JVCF opens grant process

JVCF has opened their 2017 Fall Grant Cycle effective July 25, 2017. All known local non-profits have been sent a grant application form.

If JVCF has missed you please call Millie Baycroft at 406-560-8119 or pick up an application at the Corner Store. Grant funds will be available from the JVCF Grant Endowment, The Barrick/Golden Sunlight Mine $2,500 Grant, and the Star Youth Fund. This year the JVCF will again offer a $1,000 Mystery grant to one of the applicants but they must be present at the grant event to receive it. Grant process ends September 30, 2017 and grants will be awarded at our Short and Sweet Ice Cream Social on Thursday October 12, at 7:00 p.m. at Borden's Conference Room.

JVCF grants have helped, buy computers and software for the Whitehall Library, purchase a Stryker Cot for the P.U.L.S.E, restore the Whitehall Murals, provide funds for Whitehall Transportation buses and garage, assisted the Whitehall Community Center with their building and remodel process, and helped build the Whitehall School playground. This is only a few of 85 grants made to 36 non-profit organizations that have benefited from the $108,000 granted in the 15 years of JVCF existence.

The primary purpose of the JVCF is to build a permanent endowment from donations, legacies, and fundraisers and the interest from that fund can be granted out to non-profits & benefit the greater Whitehall area which includes the Whitehall High School boundaries. We also offer Fiscal Sponsorship for non 501 c (3) non-profits and designated funds such as the Star Youth Fund. Please ask us how you can help grow this fund; there are many ways to leave a legacy to your community.

Come join the JVCF for fun, fellowship, and good deeds on Oct. 12th.


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