Whitehall is only a few weeks away from the biggest celebration of the year at the annual Frontier Days event.
Next week’s Whitehall Ledger will include a special section highlighting the variety of activities at Frontier Days. There is truly something for everyone at this year’s event. 2017 should be a great year with several new events including a potluck and 3-on-3-basketball tournament.
Members of the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce have been working hard and have spent countless hours to get ready for the 2017 Frontier Days. While many have stepped up to help organize and help run the many activities, the Chamber could also use more help. A group of die-hard committee members do so much both in anticipation and during the event, but it would huge to give them as much extra help as possible.
One of the great things about Whitehall and the surrounding area is that people are always willing to step up to the plate and volunteer to help their community. What better way to do this than at the biggest event of the year? A few hours of volunteering can go a long ways.
If local residents would like to volunteer to help with an event please contact the Chamber at 406-287-2260 or visit http://www.whitehallchamberofcommerce.com. They can also be found on Facebook.
Anyone interested in submitting an article or would like to advertise in the special section of the Ledger should call 406-287-5301 or email news@whitheallledger.com.
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