Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

For Your Information

Breakaway Youth Ranch is hosting a demonstration by Wild Horse Ministries at the Three Forks Rodeo Grounds, Wednesday, June 28, 2017. 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm. In that short time, a colt that has never been ridden will be saddled, mounted and ridden in the arena. It is a beautiful picture of the way that God teaches us. There is no charge for this amazing evening.

The wild roses are blooming! They are not only beautiful, but smell so wonderful! It reminds me that ‘high’ water should be over. The Jefferson River is down a wee bit.

Claire Best had a most blessed 80th birthday! Her grandson, Jonathan Barnes, from Ontario, Canada rode his motorcycle through Michigan, then Chicago and points West just to be with her. Jonathan is an artist - paintings, murals and computer, as well. His time here was brief, but Claire’s best birthday gift!

Norm and Michelle Tebay took a trip to Medicine Hat, Alberta, to visit Norm’s brother, Will, his wife, Lynn and the rest of the family. Michelle especially had a great time since they visited some pottery, brick and tile areas before returning home.

Wagner Nursery has again provided two tubs of lovely flowers to make the entrance to the Jefferson Valley Museum very inviting. Their generosity is so appreciated! With TLC, they will keep blooming all season.

At the June meeting of the Cardwell School Board, Dawn Lewton joined Ann Marie Carey and Trent Biggers as the third member of the Board. Lisa Morgan began her job as the new Clerk. Budgets for long range planning were discussed and will continue to be worked on to determine the direction of obtaining income. Interviews are planned for applicants for the Teacher’s Aid position vacated by Sarah Hughes, who has assumed the teaching position of first and second grades. Teacher’s contracts were signed and the staff is complete with the exception of the Aid to be hired. Technology updates are in the plans before the next school year. Along with the Cardwell School information, the County Supt. of Schools position will be filled by the County Commissioners to complete the term of Gary Pace who will be retiring June 30th. Gary said that he would be spending the next two weeks in Alaska, vacationing in the land of the midnight sun.

“Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.” Colossians 4:6


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