The Library will be closed for Memorial Day on Monday May 29. In response to the young patron who asked me why we were closed on that day, here is the answer. Memorial Day came out of the horrific casualties the United States suffered on both sides during the Civil War. On May 5, 1868, General John Logan, a Union general, declared there would be a yearly observance to honor those who had died in the Civil War. The day was originally entitled Decoration Day and only celebrated in the northern states. The Southern states kept their own form of Memorial Day for their dead, until the day was broadened after WWI, to honor all Americans who had lost their lives fighting in any war.
On the first Memorial Day over 5,000 people came to Arlington National Cemetery to lay flowers on the graves of the men buried there.
Today families often honor Memorial Day with special events and speakers at the cemetery, lay wreathes, flowers, and small American flags to decorate the graves in remembrance of loved ones who died in service. I hope, my young reader, this explains to you why the Library and other places are closed on Memorial Day.
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for June 5 at 6:30 for Neal Lewing’s presentation “Meagher of Sword, Montana’s First Acting Governor”. He will be at the Library curtesy of a grant from Humanities Montana and a contribution from the Friends of Whitehall Community Library. It will be great program for the whole family!
Early registration has begun for Summer Reading. If you or your family would like to participate this year, the Library is offering pre-registration to alleviate the crowds at the first program. Also, if you have a child who will be a kindergartener this fall, registration is open for Countdown to Kindergarten.
History Book Club is reading “The Winds of War” for June. This novel by Herman Wouk is part one of a two part series of books following a naval family through the turbulent years of World War II. The second book, “War and Remembrance” will be the selection for July. Stop by the Library to pick up a copy of the book and come join us.
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