Hi Folks,
At our regular meeting last week Boyd Andrews Community Services CEO, Amy Tenney and Elkhorn Treatment Center Director Dan Krause gave a presentation about their programs in Jefferson County. Owen Voigt talked with us about some mine reclamation that his company is doing. They are cleaning up some abandoned sites and hauling the tailings to Golden Sunlight Mine. Pete Novich gave us a presentation about the possibility of Novich Insurance Agency acting as our agent for our property-casualty insurance. Novich already is our agent for our Workers Comp coverage.
We talked about the $500,000 that the Legislature will provide to the City of Boulder as an impact fee for the closure/reduction of work force of the Montana Developmental Center. There will likely be a committee appointed to oversee how the funds will be utilized. The Legislature actually decided to make the Secure Unit permanent. It will house 12 residents and employ about 70 people. They also agreed to leave one cottage open for two more years and two cottages open for one more year.
We also had another discussion about the locked gate on Rocky Road, South of Boulder. Steve Haddon is researching information so he can advise the Commission about how to proceed.
FYI: Adlai Stevenson, American politician and diplomat, in 1952 said; “Every man; has a right to be heard; but no man has the right to strangle democracy with a single set of vocal chords.”
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